Serving Meals
CK provides over 300,000 meals a year, in addition to providing meals for local after school programs and other organizations.

Meal Program
Cathedral Kitchen’s core program for the past four decades has been the meal program in our dining room. The dining room is open for guests to enjoy a hot, nutritious meal served “restaurant style” on Monday – Friday from 3:15 – 5:00 PM. Guests can also continue to take their meal to-go if they so choose. Saturday meals are currently to-go only, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM. During each meal service, we also provide a “take home” bag that contains additional food.
CK offers groceries and beverages at our “Mini-Market” outside in our Pavilion from 2:45 – 5:00 PM Mondays through Fridays.
If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.

Cathedral Kitchen meal program guests are served "restaurant style" by a team of volunteers.

Our guests are served a nutritious meal that consists of a protein, vegetable and / or salad, a starch, a beverage and a dessert.

Guests are welcomed into the dining room, and are able to choose their seat.

CK Food Outreach
While our meal program serves a real need, we know there are those in our community who are not able to come to our dining room, especially children and the elderly. Other nonprofits in Camden who work with children tell us that they find children in their programs unable to concentrate because they are hungry. Many seniors in our community live on less than $1,000 a month, and need access to supplemental food to maintain basic health.
Since moving to our current location in 2008, CK has been able to obtain more donations due to increased storage and refrigeration, and volunteers who pick up food donations. More recently, our capacity to pick up food has increased with the acquisition of larger food trucks that deliver our contract meals.
It is ironic that while many in our country do not have enough to eat, food waste is on the increase. Feeding America, a national network of food banks, reports that up to 40% of the good, safe food produced in America never makes it to people’s plates. By diverting some of this food from the trash stream, we can reduce landfill waste and increase our own sustainable food management, while providing more food to those who need it most.
Any donated food we cannot use for these programs, we pass on to other soup kitchens or food pantries.