Donations help us provide more services to the Camden community.

In-Kind Donations
The Cathedral Kitchen accepts donations of certain items currently needed for its programs.

Food Donations:
We are not able to accept small quantities of food because of the large numbers of people we serve; nor can we accept casseroles or dinners cooked in home kitchens due to Camden County Health Department regulations. We are glad to receive sandwiches and desserts. If your group would like to provide food for the Kitchen, please sign up on our Volunteer Calendar. This helps us to plan distribution.
See Donation of Large-Quantity Food for information about other food donations we can accept.
Personal Care Donations:
Our 2019 Guest Survey revealed that one of the highest rated needs of our guests was for personal hygiene items and toiletries. To help address this need, and aligning with CK’s strategic plan, the Personal Care Service was launched in July of 2020. Every Monday between 2:30 – 5:00 PM, guests can select items they need for the week (underwear, socks, soap, body lotion, feminine hygiene items, hand sanitizer, etc.).
If you would like to provide personal care items to the Cathedral Kitchen, go to our Amazon Wishlist:
Food Service Projects to benefit the Cathedral Kitchen:
If your group likes to bake, you can make cookies or cakes for the Kitchen. For this project, we ask that you please bag the desserts in individually wrapped servings: Put 2 or 3 cookies in a Ziploc bag, or wrap slices of cake. Wrapping the items ensures that they stay fresh and can be handled and distributed in a sanitary way.
Take-home meal:
We welcome donations that can be given to our guests as a “take-home”. Sandwiches may be meat and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. Meat sandwiches should include several slices of turkey or beef bologna (please no pork products) and one slice of cheese. Please do not put mustard or mayo directly on the sandwich, packets may be included on the side. Fruit, drink and a snack are always appreciated.
The Kitchen serves approximately 325 meals each day, but any amount is appreciated.
Other Needed Items include:
Paper/Cleaning Supplies:
-Paper Towels
-Toilet Paper Rolls
-Paper Napkins
-Sealed Sandwich bags
-Brillo or SOS pads
-Lysol or Clorox wipes
-Individual hand wipes (in packets)
-Bottled Water